
Kalarang Theater marks a significant milestone in the cultural movement of us young artists...

In 2004, a group of 20-25 aspiring boys and girls from the village of Phopheri in Alibag taluka came together, leading to the creation of the theatrical dance production Arunodaya Zala. This marked the foundation of the Kalarang Cultural Committee. Later, the village's focus shifted toward the city. In 2008, with the successful performance of the folk drama Cha Maay La Ekdam Top featuring artists from Alibag taluka, the name Kalarang Theater gained recognition in the theater circles of Alibag.

From there, the journey continued with street plays, one-act plays, dramas, stage shows, professional programs, one-act play competitions, and state drama competitions — a journey that still thrives today. The institution has received numerous district and state-level awards. Through this journey, many new artists have emerged, and today they are actively working in Maharashtra's theater, TV serials, and film industries. We pray to Lord Nateshwar that his blessings continue to be with us always.